577 28 days ago 577 28 days ago
Dive into a sizzling summer vacation filled with naughty loli debauchery in the captivating first installment of Hajimete no Orusuban, an audacious anime adaptation from acclaimed director Kinomoto Natsumi and Studio Mary Jane. This visual masterpiece plunges deep into twin sisters Shiori & Saori's erotic escapade with their 'big brother,' narrated by a sensual tale of innocent lust. Indulge in a storyline interwoven with sophisticated taboo sensations as you bask in the intoxicating blend of loli cuteness and incest-themed passion play; now available for your viewing pleasure!
Anime enthusiasts will be enthralled by this daring exploration into taboo themes featuring small tits, oral sex, and exquisite creampies. The narrative also includes stimulating elements from popular erogenous genres like Window-Fucking, Analingus, and Fisting.